

  1. OTB Strategic Consulting, Inc. started in 2003 by two investment veterans with over 60 years of combined business, investment and regulatory history to help get the same expertise many larger companies use every day to small and mid-size companies.
  2. While working with these businesses we saw many of the plan fiduciaries were being put at risk because they did not have the time, the understanding or were misinformed on retirement plan regulations concerning ERISA and state regulations.
  3. Being fiduciaries our entire careers, we began to concentrate on helping plan fiduciaries though education, oversight, and special tools to allow them to decrease their fiduciary risk while keeping their costs low.
  4. We are dedicated to helping plan fiduciaries implement and run plans to reduce their personal risk while giving their participants the best providers.


We help un-complicate ERISA and retirement plan regulations to save plan fiduciaries and service providers’ time and money to reduce their fiduciary/personal risk so collectively they can provide the necessary retirement benefit to the plan participants.

Why OTB?

  1. We offer unbiased and transparent advice that is pure we do not try to sell you investments, administrative or other retirement plan services.
  2. Compliance and governance is more than just regulatory - when implemented correctly it can streamline an organization, increase profits and decrease risk.
  3. We have created and developed compliance systems that have been involved in regulatory examinations which have had "successful" outcomes.
  4. We have uncomplicated being a fiduciary to help plans and their fiduciaries save time and money while reducing their personal risk.

Click here to learn more about the Management Team at OTB