Service Provider Services

Helping increase sales, retention and profit margins in the retirement plan area while reducing compliance issues. With fees and fiduciary issues in the press every day, this has become a large concern and one we can help you with starting today!


Helping to Increase Revenue, Sales and Decrease Risk

  1. Sales Training, System and Consulting
    1. Featuring the Ignite Fiduciary Sales System
  2. Retirement Plan Education
    1. Understanding the Plan Fiduciaries and the industry and how to sell to it.
  3. Consulting and Tools to Help Increase Revenue, Sales and Efficiency
    1. The FIRE System - a 401(k) self-assessment tool for Plans Sponsors. Licensed service providers “add value” to their services with this turnkey fiduciary tool which shows the plans sponsors their issues and solutions
  4. Webinars
    1. For you and your plan sponsor clients and prospects


  1. Building and Running Effective Organizations
  2. Written Policies and Procedures Streamline Processes

Set Yourself Apart


Although the law is clear, the Plan Sponsor is the ultimate fiduciary responsible for the operation and execution of the plan and this cannot be delegated. As a service provider, you can be deemed to be a fiduciary by your actions or by the regulators or the courts. Don't become a co-defendant.


Protecting the plan sponsors and making sure they are in compliance protects you, the service provider and the participant.


Our tools help you better understand the plan sponsors’ responsibilities and you help them be better fiduciaries. You become invaluable. The “go to” person they can trust and rely on for their retirement plans.


Set Yourself Apart From Your Competitors.  Contact Us To Find Out How.